Address: 53, KDA Avenue, Khulna
Appointment & Contact: +8801741420444, +880412832630
Dr. Subrata Kumar Biswas
Eye, Laser, Retina Specialist & Phaco Surgeon
Surgeon (Ex) (Ophthalmology)
BIRDEM General Hospital & Ibrahim Medical College
Chamber: Khulna Eye Hospital & Laser Center Limited
Address: 53, KDA Avenue, Khulna
Visiting Hours: 9.30 pm to 1.30 pm (Closed: Friday)
Appointment & Contact: +8801741420444, +880412832630
Dr. Md. Mahmud Hasan Lenin
MBBS, DCO (CU), MRSH (UK), Fellow (Glaucoma, India), Fellow (SICS, India)
Diabetic Eye Diseases, Retina, Laser, Glaucoma Specialist & Surgeon
Consultant (Eye & Retina)
Khulna Eye Hospital & Laser Center Limited
Chamber: Khulna Eye Hospital & Laser Center Limited
Address: 53, KDA Avenue, Khulna
Visiting Hours: 11 am to 2 pm & 6 pm to 2 pm (Closed: Friday)
Appointment & Contact:+8801971309933, +8801741420444, +880412832630
Dr. Md. Salauddin Rahmatullah
MBBS, DCO, FICS (USA), Fellow (Pediatric Eye Diseases & Cross Eye, India)
Eye Diseases, Pediatric Eye Diseases Specialist & Phaco Surgeon
Consultant (Ophthalmology)
Khulna Eye Hospital & Laser Center Limited
Chamber: Khulna Eye Hospital & Laser Center Limited
Address: 53, KDA Avenue, Khulna
Visiting Hours: 11 am to 2 pm & 5 pm to 7 pm (Closed: Friday)
Appointment & Contact: +8801741420444, +880412832630
Dr. Shitesh Chandra Banerjee
MBBS, DCO, ICO (UK), Fellow (Pediatric Eye, Delhi), Higher Training (Cataract Operation)
Eye Diseases Specialist & Micro Surgeon
Consultant (Ophthalmology)
Khulna Eye Hospital & Laser Center Limited
Chamber: Khulna Eye Hospital & Laser Center Limited
Address: 53, KDA Avenue, Khulna
Visiting Hour: Please call for detail.
Appointment & Contact: +8801741420444, +880412832630
Dr. Md. Abul Kalam Azad
MBBS, DCO, Special Training in Orbit & Oculoplasty (India)
Eye Diseases Specialist & Phaco Surgeon
Consultant (Ophthalmology)
Khulna BNSB Eye Hospital
Chamber: Khulna Eye Hospital & Laser Center Limited
Address: 53, KDA Avenue, Khulna
Visiting Hour: Please call for detail.
Appointment & Contact: +8801741420444, +880412832630
Dr. Md. Mostafizur Rahman
MBBS, DCO, Fellow (Vitreo Retina, PAK)
Diabetic Eye Diseases, Retina & Laser Specialist
Senior Consultant (Eye & Retina)
Khulna BNSB Eye Hospital
Chamber: Khulna Eye Hospital & Laser Center Limited
Address: 53, KDA Avenue, Khulna
Visiting Hour: Please call for detail.
Appointment & Contact: +8801741420444, +880412832630