Manipal AFC Hospitals Khulna

Address: A-17, Majid Sarani, Sonadanga, Khulna.
Hotline: 01755-668880 , 01777-755153
For Appointment: 01787-668142

Doctor list of Manipal AFC Hospitals Khulna:

Prof. Dr. Ashit Boron Odhikari

Cardiology, Blood vessels, and Chest Disease Specialist
Ex. Prof. and special unit head, Dept. of Cardiology (BSMMU)
Manipal AFC Hospitals Khulna
Visiting Hour: Call for details with serials.
Appointment Number: 01777-755153

Dr. Mithun Debnath

MBBS (Khulna Medical College), MD (Nephrology, DMC), Special Trained in Intervention Nephrology
Visiting Consultant Nephrology
Specialist in Kidney Disease
(Chronic Kidney Disease, Acute Kidney Injury, Glomerulonephritis, Urinary tract infection)
Long time Experience in Hemodialysis and Peritoneal dialysis management
Expert in kidney transplant
Manipal Hospital Khulna
Visiting Hour: Call for details with serials.
Appointment Number: 01777-755153

Dr. Md. Masud Karim

MBBS, D-Card (BSMMU), Fellow International Cardiology (China)
Clinical and Interventional Cardiologist
Principal Consultant, Cardiology
Manipal Hospital Khulna
Visiting Hour: Call for details with serials.
Appointment Number: 01787-668142

Dr. Md. Ikhtiar Hasan Khan

MBBS, D-Card, MS in Medical Science (Sher-E-Bangla Medical College)
Consultant Cardiology
Manipal Hospital Khulna
Visiting Hour: Call for details with serials.
Appointment Number: 01777-755153

Service & Packages :

  • Routine Angiogram-Word (1 day package) – 16,000 Taka
  • Routine Angioplasty (SVD procedure) – 3 day package – 95,000 Taka
  • Routine Angioplasty (DVD Procedure) – 3 day package – 1,00,000 Taka
  • Ad Hoc Angioplasty (SVD Procedure) – 3 day package – 1,05,000 Taka
  • Ad Hoc Angioplasty (DVD Procedure) – 3 day package – 1,10,000 Taka
  • Primary / Pharmaco Invasive / Rescue / Complex PCI / PTCA Procedure – 4 Day Package – 1,40,000 Taka
  • PPM (Single Chamber) – 4 days package – 70,000 Taka
  • PPM (Double Chamber / CRTD / ICD) – 4 days package – 80,000 Taka

** Procedure fees for the above packages Includes doctor’s visit and fees, medicine examination, bed charges, and meals.

** Note: Package Tariff / Price is variable. Please visit the hospital for the exact cost and details.

Author: Ruhulamin

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