Tag: top 5 orthopedic doctor in bangladesh

BIRDEM General Hospital and Ibrahim Medical College

Address: 122, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Shahbagh Square, Dhaka – 1000Contact: +88029661551, +88029665003 24×7 HelpLine : PABX(BIRDEM-1): 0241060501-24,…

Bashundhara Eye Hospital & Research Institute

Address: 474, Road # 5, Block # D, Beside Mededi Mart, Bashundhara R/A, DhakaAppointment &…

Baridhara General Hospital Ltd

Ka-54/1 Progoti Sharani, Nadda, Gulshan, Dhaka-1212Hotline: +8801768612835email: bghospital.bd@gmail.com Dr. Md. G Hasan MBBS, D Ped. (Vienna), MAMS…

Better Life Hospital Ltd. Dhaka

Address: 1-East Rampura, DhakaAppointment/Phone: 09678786787, 09639786786 Professor Dr. Syeda Akhter JahanMBBS (DMC), FCPS (Gynae & Obs)Consultant, Department…

Kidney Foundation Hospital

Hotline: +8801623324850Call us: +88-02-44807447, +88-02-44807448Email: info@kidneyfoundationbd.comAddress: Plot No. – 5/2, Road No.-1 (Main Road), Section-2, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216. DEPARTMENT…

Bangladesh Specialized Hospital

বাংলাদেশ স্পেশালাইজড্ হাসপাতাল Address: 21 Shyamoli, Mirpur Road, Dhaka-1207, BangladeshHotline :10633, Phone: +8809666700100 General & Colorectal…

Bangladesh Medical College and Hospital

Address: House # 34, Road # 14/A, Dhanmondi R/A, DhakaAppointment Number: +880244812101-8 Doctor list of Bangladesh…

Bangladesh ENT Hospital Ltd

Address: 3rd Floor, Navana Newbury Place, 4/1/A Sobahanbag, Mirpur Road, Dhaka – 1207Appointment Number: +8809666710710 Doctor…

Bangladesh Eye Trust Hospital Rayerbazar

Address: 3/26/2B, Sultanganj, Rayerbazar (Opposite Sikder Medical College), Rayerbazar, Dhaka.For Appointment: 01709611394, 01919611394Email:info.rayerbazar@bdeyehospital.com Dr. Mahziba Rahman ChowdhuryMBBS,…

Bangladesh Eye Hospital Khulna Ltd

Address: 9B, Majid Sarani, Shibbari, Khulna- 9100Appointment Number:Telephone: 0244-110765 Mobile: 01799-209075, 01907-045724 Visiting Hour: Every day from 9.00 am…

Bangladesh Eye Hospital Chittagong

Address: Probartak Sangha Building ( 4th & 5th Floor ), Probartak Circle, Panchlaish, ChittagongAppointment Number:  01839392525, 01768225275 Prof….

Bangladesh Eye Hospital

Address: 78, Satmasjid Road (West of Road 27), Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205Appointment Number: 10620, 09666787878 email: info@bdeyehospital.com Bangladesh Eye…

Badda General Hospital Dhaka

Address: 107/2, Pragati Sarani, Uttar Badda, DhakaAppointment Number: +8801790776722, +8801872650599 Doctor list of Badda General Hospital Dhaka:…

Ashiyan Medical College and Hospital

Address: Barua, Khilkhet, DhakaAppointment Number: 01988-881815, 01841-133501, +8802-8999543  Doctor list Ashiyan Medical College and Hospital: Cardiologist Prof. Dr….

Queen’s Hospital (Pvt) Ltd. Jessore

Address: Jail Road, Jessore 7400, BangladeshAppointment NumberTelephone: 02477760010, 02477760023Mobile: 01716-016650, 01919-016650 Asthma, Chest Diseases & Medicine Specialist Dr. Sheikh Shahinur…

Lab Aid Ltd (Diagnostics) Jessore

Address: Holding No. 498/2, Jail Raid, Ghaep, Yasher.Appointment Number: 02477-760800, 02477-760802, 02477-760799 Mobile: 01766662005 Arthritis and Pain Specialist and…

Ibn Sina Diagnostic & Consultation Center Jessore

Address: House no-68, Jail Road, Ghope, Jessore (11 storied Building Jashore, Bangladesh, 7400Phone: 02477763113, 02477763114, 02477763115Hotline: 09610009624Customer Service: 01706363640, 01706 363641, 01929454545…

Central Hospital and Diagnostic Complex Jessore

Address: Jail Raid, JessoreAppointment Number: 0421-60760 , 01919-757080 Gynecologist & Obstetrician Central Hospital and Diagnostic Jessore Dr. Fatema Zohra MBBS,…

Asgar Ali Hospital

Address: 111/1/A Distillery Road, Gandaria (Beside Dhupkhola Playground), Dhaka-1204, Bangladesh Appointment and Contact: Hotline: 10602 , Mobile: +88…

Anwer Khan Modern Medical College Hospital

Address: House # 17, Road # 08, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka – 1205Appointment Number: +8802-58616074 , +8802-223370295, +88-02-223361213 The Hospital…